Grout Spread Test Apparatus

Grout Spread Test Apparatus



The Grout Spread Test Apparatus is used to measure the fluidity of thixotropic grouts. The Grout Spread Test Apparatus consist of a polished steel plate with a diameter of 300 mm and a stainless-steel mould with an internal diameter of 39 mm and a height of 60 mm.

The grout spread test is performed by putting the mould on the plate and then pour the grout slowly into the mould until the level of the grout has reached the upper brim. The mould is steadily lifted from the plate and kept above the spread for a maximum of 30 s before it is taken away. The grout spread is measured in two perpendicular directions at 30 s after the start of lifting the mould.

Mudtest also offers all other auxiliary tools to perform the grout spread test such as a stopwatch showing time to 0,1 s., a thermometer and a ruler with a length of 300 mm and a 1 mm graduation.

According to EN 445 the fluidity can also be determined using the cone method. Only one of two test methods is to be performed as appropriate for the type or characteristics of the grout.



Plate and mould 5300.00.00000
Polished steel plate 5300.00.00001
Cylindrical mould  5300.00.00002
Stopwatch  3600.00.00000
Digital probe thermometer 3700.10.00000
Stainless steel Ruler 300 mm / 12“ 3900.00.00300